Community Care Licensed (CCL) approved Behavior Intervention Trainings are designed to provide best practices and safe behavior management methods to parents, residential staff and regional center professionals. By empowering professionals with education and training, we can create safe and respectful environments that enrich the lives of the individuals we serve.

  • CCL approved trainings for residential administrators
  • Increase awareness of prevention techniques to minimize conflict
  • Improve employee retention by giving staff the skills to resolve crisis situations
  • Enhance care and support for staff and the people we serve
  • Increase productivity with better tools and skills for staff
  • Minimize the risk of potential liability
  • Raise staff skills at using verbal and nonverbal de-escalation techniques
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Dealing With Difficult People

Many of the people we deal with are attempting to express their confusion, misery, helplessness or anxiety. In many instances, this can come across as anger. Anger that is directed at you! This training addresses the different types of personalities, understanding our responses, and how to deal with difficult people.

Anger Management

This training will include identifying and managing anger as an emotion. We will go into detail concerning what is anger, the purpose, feelings associated with anger, empowerment, anger vs. aggression and resolution. We will review successful strategies to be proactive, reactive and systemic.

Conflict Resolution

This training identifies different types and causes of conflict, positive and negative consequences, and ways to resolve conflicts. This course is designed to train parents and staff in basic intervention and prevention techniques. We will review successful strategies to be proactive, reactive and systemic to move from conflict to problem resolution.

Crisis Intervention Prevention

Providing practical information on how to define a crisis, assess for imminent danger, interact with someone in crisis, de-escalate a crisis situation and prevent new ones. This course is designed to train parents and staff basic crisis intervention and prevention techniques.

After The Trauma

This training will discuss what can be expected after the trauma, common changes in children and how to seek help. Identifying different steps you can do to help a child after a trauma including: making children feel safe, allowing children to talk about their worries and feelings, getting back to routines, increasing time spent with family and friends, taking time to deal with your feelings about the situation at hand, and remembering that people in the same way can react to traumatic events in different ways.

“The speaker is an effective group facilitator, as she is sensitive to the audiences' own experiences and expertise. She is effective in making people feel good about what they do, which seems to help her audiences receive new information more readily, She is encouraging and motivating.” – Viki Luke, WRC Training Coordinator

Trainings Available
  • 5150 Police Training
  • Addictions
  • After the Traum: Helping Children Cope
  • Anger Management
  • Antisocial Personality Disorder
  • Behavior Change for Weight Loss
  • Bi-Polar Disorder
  • Borderline, Boundaries and Beyond
  • Bullying Part 1: Sticks and Stones
  • Bullying Part 2: Don’t Be Intimidated
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Coping with Grief and Loss
  • Crisis Intervention Prevention
  • Crisis Management
  • Crisis Support for DD Individuals
  • Dealing with Difficult People
  • Defining Professional Boundaries
  • Ditching Depression
  • Identifying a Predator
  • Let’s Make a Plan
  • Non-Verbal Communication
  • Persistent and Repetitive Behavior
  • Person Centered Planning
  • Schizophrenia Training
  • Self-Care Training
  • Sex Ed-Beyond the Birds and the Bees
  • Strategies for Socialization
  • Successful Changes in Routine
  • Suicide Prevention Training
  • Supporting Individuals with Mental Health Diagnoses
  • The 411 on Behavior Plans
  • The Art of Setting Limits
  • The Role of a Behaviorist Specialist
  • The Rules-Ready, Set, Go
  • Understanding Autism
  • Understanding the function of Behavior
  • Understanding Behaviors Associated with Traumatic Brain Injury