Welcome To A New Approach
In Caring For Developmental Disabilities

Expertise And Devotion Beyond The Ordinary.

Stephanie Young Consultants provides wrap-around support services for individuals with developmental disabilities, mental health diagnoses or behavioral challenges. It is the anticipated outcome of SYC that each individual be provided with the necessary supports and opportunities to participate in living experiences which empowers them to achieve their highest potential in the least restrictive environment.

  • 20 Years of Experience
  • Licensed Professionals
  • Behavioral Detectives
  • Choice Advocates
  • Person Centered Planning
  • Community Partnerships
  • Education and Training
  • Support System Empowerment
  • Highest Potential Activist
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Compassion Put Into Action

Behavior Support ServicesWhole Person AssessmentsCrisis Support ServicesBehavior Intervention TrainingsSTART Teams

Behavior Support Services
Positive behavioral methods, plans and training for residential agencies

Our clinical team will provide an effective person-centered framework to safely manage & prevent difficult behavior. This service is intended to reduce, eliminate and/or prevent the occurrence of severe behaviors posing a health and safety risk. Behavior Support Services (BSS) provides direct care service providers with the training and intervention strategies necessary to manage and […]

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Whole Person Assessments
Comprehensive report with recommendations for successful placement

The Whole Person Assessment (WPA) is a comprehensive report with the purpose of providing the transitional team the appropriate recommendations to support the individual with a successful transition from their current placement to the community. Each assessment takes into consideration the individual’s needs including medical, psychiatric, and behavioral in addition to their wants and desires. […]

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Crisis Support Services
24/7 prevention and emergency response interventions

As the frontline emergency responder, Crisis Support Services' (CSS) primary goal is to provide on-going prevention services through crisis prevention and emergency response intervention, behavioral support, training, and critical situation support 24 hours/7 days a week, 365 days a year. CSS team members are equipped to respond to critical situations and provide on-going support utilizing […]

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Behavior Intervention Trainings

Community Care Licensed (CCL) approved Behavior Intervention Trainings are designed to provide best practices and safe behavior management methods to parents, residential staff and regional center professionals. By empowering professionals with education and training, we can create safe and respectful environments that enrich the lives of the individuals we serve. CCL approved trainings for residential […]

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Certified START Teams
START (Systemic, Therapeutic, Assessment, Resources and Treatment)

This comprehensive model of service supports optimizes independence, treatment, and community living for individuals with IDD and behavioral health needs. It promotes person-centered approaches and training for individuals, families and caregivers by applying core principles of positive psychology, utilization of therapeutic tools, provision of multi-modal clinical assessments, promoting enjoyable therapeutic recreational experiences and optimal utilization […]

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Support and Trust: Pull It Together

Overview: Barbara is a 38-year old woman with a diagnosis of Moderate Intellectual Disability; Bipolar Disorder; Intermittent Explosive Disorder and Pervasive Developmental Disorder.  Barbara exhibits several serious challenging behaviors including Property Destruction; Aggression; Self-Injurious Behaviors and has a history Pica. In 2003, she was a psychiatrically hospitalized for verbal and physical aggression to her family and strangers and it was no longer safe for her to reside with her family, as she needed 24/7 supervision and care.

Challenge: She is friendly and outgoing but may need reminders to maintain appropriate social boundaries. Barbara can be very sensitive to how others feel and their perception of her. When she becomes anxious, Barbara can often be overheard telling herself to “calm down” or “pull it together.” Barbara may go through periods of severe deterioration of emotional stability and adaptive function. Although Barbara was getting support, she frequently called 911 when feeling anxious or bored; or if she perceives that others are not responding to her requests in a timely manner.

Solution: Our SYC Behaviorist spent a lot of time getting to know Barbara and gaining trust. Previously, Barbara would physically attack people she did not trust and use loud and derogatory language. Over time, she began to trust her behaviorist and would take her proactive suggestions. The two developed a plan, which included getting Barbara connected to a therapist to manage her untreated anxiety, replacement activities instead of calling 911,  and coping skills to help manage stressful situations.

Results: Barbara is no longer calling 911. She has developed friendships outside of the home and has a circle of friends that she is able to call each day. Barbara is better able to structure her leisure time and has a variety of activities that she enjoys participating in. She now calls her SYC Behaviorist to share when she is having a good day, instead of calling when she is in crisis.

Developed Skill Set: Out Of Control

Overview: “Carol” is 39-year-old women with Moderate Intellectual Disability and Down Syndrome, and has been working with Stephanie Young Consultants for the past 3 years. Due to these diagnoses, Carol is often inflexible, has difficulty controlling her emotions, causing her to become easily upset, and often out of control.

Challenge: When Carol is out of control. She can be verbally and physically aggressive and has destroyed property. Due to these behaviors, she resides in a residential home with 24/7 staff and requires an extensive amount of attention to keep her calm when she is upset.Carol has learned that if she becomes upset enough, staff will provide her with the attention she enjoys. Although Carol can communicate verbally, she often has limited understanding of the context and language in everyday conversation, and when she misinterprets this, it often leads to her aggressive outburst. She can be independent for some of her daily living tasks but does need assistance on awareness and abilities. Carol has a supportive family. Carol has an infectious smile, she enjoys Disney movies, ice cream, and loves any activity involving art. She looks forward to outings with her family.

Solution: Our SYC behaviorist has provided direct care service providers with the training and intervention strategies necessary to manage and modify difficult behaviors, while teaching functionally related replacement skills to Carol. SYC engages Carol in behavioral art activities, creating social stories that help Carol learn how to safely express her frustrations without yelling, hitting or throwing things. Her SYC Behaviorists trains staff at Carol’s residence to help give them the tools they need to better manage Carol’s outburst. She has also worked closely with staff on repeating verbal communication to ensure Carol understood what was being asked, as well as not engaging in carol’s attention-seeking behaviors. SYC has also worked with Carol and staff to create structure and positive reinforcement in the home that help carol lower her overall frustration to everyday events.  Carol has been currently working on flexibility by defining what situations are a big deal versus little deal along with coping strategies that could be helpful in little deal situations.

Results: Since working with SYC Behavior, Carol has had a decrease in her overall serious incidents, utilizes alternative means of expressing her frustration and communicate to others her needs.

  • SYC Is The Epitome Of Professionalism And Knowledge In The Area of Which It Specializes. ...
    "SYC is the epitome of professionalism and knowledge in the are of which it specializes. The Resident's Palace has used SYC services since starting of operations in 2008. Each of the team members has exhibited care, concern, and kindness toward me and my clients and staff always, during this relationship. SYC is awesome!"
    Phyllis Bolton, Resident’s Palace ARF
  • I love working with SYC. They are very attentive to our clients’ needs......
    "I love working with SYC. They are very attentive to our clients’ needs and I know that our residents are receiving the best behavioral support possible with them. Their reports are always on time and are leaps and bounds better than other behaviorists that I’ve used in the past. SYC’s professionalism and attentiveness make my job as a business owner so much easier, I highly recommend them."
    Elise Jenkins, Mt.Helix/Valle Linda ARF

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